The Panoskin Blog | Virtual Tours, Photography, and Interactive Content

June 2018 Tour Tuesday Winner: Emilio Murias Aumente

Written by Panoskin Team | Jun 15, 2018 1:00:00 PM

Congratulations to our newest Tour Tuesday winner, Emilio Murias Aumente!

His virtual tour of the “Corpus Christi Mazo” in Plaza Generalísimo, El Pueblo, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain “is this month’s featured virtual tour!

Emilio carefully and beautifully captured this charming and exciting location, revealing the radiant streets of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and details on Google Street View. The tour’s connections are fluid as you walk through this island town showing stunning trees, flowers, art, and much more. Walking through this tour, we can imagine all the fresh air and tradition this place brings. Great job, Emilio! The panoramas are clear and concise, and every nadir area is patched seamlessly. 

A quick historical fact: The first procession of Corpus Christi was in 1605 in the southeast of La Palma. Corpus Christi is a religious mass and procession. In 1872, the first decorations to be put on the procession path were towels placed by the inhabitants. 

Only in 1950 did the inhabitants of Santa Cruz de Tenerife decide to use branches, natural materials, as well as flowers. Every year men, women, and children plant seeds, flowers, leaves, and moss many months in advance, leading to the festival in June. They often try incorporating jewelry, carpets, images, figures, and monstrances.

Great Job, Emilio! We enjoyed walking through your tour.